Females Become Target For Dress Code Enforcement

Samantha Herrera, Reporter

Dress code has been a constant battle with students and administrators, girls feel singled out when they have to be taken out of instructional time to go and change from what’s been considered a distraction to other students.

Situations like this haven’t only been happening around campus, but I’ve also seen this trend going on in other school districts . Students should be able to express their personalities by wearing their own unique clothing.

However dress code should be enforced, but should old standards define the new fashion? Trends and keeping up with this new fashion is very difficult.

For example boys are wearing Chubbies and somehow now it’s in style to wear shorter shorts than girls. Chubbies don’t comply with dress code , but somehow the boys never get anything brought up to their attention.

It also seems that females are always a target, dress code policies are stricter towards girls. It should go both ways. It is very important to maintain a positive learning environment, keeping in mind that we have to respect girls.

Boys should be able to show respect for their fellow female students and overreact if a girl is wearing a shirt that exposes her shoulders.

In a survey I conducted, 19 out of 20 participants said that exposed shoulders on their female peers did not affect them and their focus on educational tasks, or any other day-to-day activities. After all clothes is not about what you’re wearing as opposed to how you wear it.

Isn’t it ridiculous when a student is taken out when they are in class to go change into a baggy t-shirt?

We all have a different body types, which means that not every item looks the same on every body type, but certain things look more revealing depending on the body type of the individual.

If it’s being worn correctly then it shouldn’t be any different than a cheerleader or volleyball uniform.

Cheerleading uniforms don’t meet the required “dress code” and they are still allowed to wear it through out a school day. Why is that not distracting?

When the survey was conducted and I asked, “What do you think when they only enforce dress code on certain students?”

One of the students said they felt “sneaky” and singled out.

Dress code limits a students way of expressing themselves, in a way they are going against the First Amendment because it states that we have freedom of expression.

I’m not trying to bash on the dress code I am just trying to get the point across that females get targeted most of the time and we shouldn’t be limited on what not to wear.

Hopefully I have shed some light on the inequality and male-tending faultiness of a poorly constructed dress code which can hopefully be revised and improved to better our school systems and allow all students to be more expressive.